was the father of sin
: Jesus birth
was called JUNGLE
are living a JUNGLE LIFE
are not dignified unless Muslims or Christians
Arabia : the Best Part of the Planet Earth
Back to Africa
not necessary
Bible : Poison
Bible &
Qu'ran : they will be replaced by a new book
is opposed to Islam
Camel trip to Egypt
with Jesus
: Dirty Religion
is 551 years old (from 1930-34)
: Religion of Satan
Church Destruction
Muhammad contradicts himself
Muhammad's endless 1914
Muhammad speaks about Africans
Muhammad was a mason
Muhammad was hearing voices
Muhammad's wrong prediction
Islam & 33rd degree Masons (Shriners)
God goes to
can't make a man without help
History is
our God
must dominate the whole entire religious world
& Moses spoke Arabic
conceived by fornication
in the Bible's prophecy is Elijah Muhammad
stabbed to death, see body for $6,000 + Pope certificate
Hair origin
love for Africans
X : Death & Destruction for following him
Garvey was a Muslim
: only the Qur'an will make one
& Jesus Prophecy about Elijah Muhammad
of Islam Self-Hate Teaching
American Moor FAIL
Black Muslim will destroy himself
said Allah Akbar
Nation of Islam's temporary God with expiry date
towards the West
and a gang of monkeys
will be replaced by a new book
is the devil's name
of Civilization : Arabian Desert
Moon and Stars : fools don't worship them
of Asiatic Black Men
Traditional Africa
only comes on the acceptance of Islam
people are Gods
did a great thing for You and I
: Jacob of the Bible
: SUPERIOR GOD for the last 6000 years
was the father of sin
The Genesis Years p.375
Evil is the nature of Adam’s children. They even have
you believing that you are from Adam which is absolutely false.
Never say that you are from Adam. Adam
was the father (devil) of sin and disobedience, the devil
of you and me.
The Theology of Time p.4
The Adam in the Bible, you have never understood who Adam
was. You have been calling Adam your father,
Adam is not your father!
The Fall of America p.36
Injustice, crooked politics, and the breeding of corruption
under crooked politics have been practiced ever since Adam
to the present day rulers. Adam was
the first crook.
: Jesus birth
Our Saviour Has Arrived p.157-158
But Jesus was not born in December. God in the Person of Master
Fard Muhammad, to Whom Praises are due forever, has taught
me that his birthday took place between the first and second
weeks of September, and that no one knows exactly what day
he was born for it was a secret between Joseph and Mary to
save them both from being murdered by getting a baby out of
wedlock. The real truth that the Christians
hate to confess is that Joseph had gotten the child, Jesus,
by Mary while he was married to another woman and at that
time had six children by the first marriage. So Master
Fard Muhammad (God in Person) taught me.
was called JUNGLE
The God Tribe of Shabazz - The True History
The continent of Africa at that time was called the Jungles
of East Asia. Our people who are there today came from a scientist
who wanted to make a people who was capable of withstanding
the hot sun and could get along with the beast and other wild
animals of the jungle.
are living a JUNGLE LIFE
6. Why does the Devil call our people - Africans?
Answer: To make our people of North America believe that the
people on that continent are the only people they have and
are all savage. He bought a trading post in the jungle of
that continent. The original people
live on this continent and they are the ones who strayed away
from civilization and are living a jungle life. The
original people call this continent - Asia, but the Devils
call it, Africa, to try to divide them. He wants us to think
that we are all different.
The Fall of America p.150
For nearly forty years I have been preaching to the Black
man in America that we should accept our own; and instead
of the Black man going to the decent side of his own, he goes
back seeking traditional Africa, and the way they did in the
jungle life and the way you see in some uncivilized parts
of Africa today. They are not using barber’s tools,
shears and razors to keep themselves looking dignified as
a civilized people should look. The Black man in America accepts
the jungle life, thinking that they would get the love
of Black Africa. The dignified people of Africa are either
Muslim or educated Christians.
are not dignified unless Muslims or Christians
The Fall of America p.150
The dignified people of Africa are either
Muslim or educated Christians.
But Africa today does not want Christianity. Do not think
that you will get a home in Africa after this war if you are
Christian. To get a home in Africa after the war, you will
have to be Muslim.
Arabia : the Best Part of the Planet Earth
1. Why isn't the Devil settled on the Best Part of the Planet Earth?
Answer: Because the Earth belongs to the original Black man.
And knowing that the Devil was wicked and there
would not be any peace among them, he put him out
in the worst part of the Earth and kept the Best Part
preserved for himself ever since he made it. The Best
Part is in Arabia, at the Holy City (Mecca).
The Colored man or Caucasian is the Devil.
Arabia is in the Far East and is bordered by the
Indian Ocean on the south.
to Africa not necessary
The Secrets of Freemasonry
Poor Marcus Garvey, a hard working man, he wanted so see you
into your own, trying to buy ships to take you back to your
own, which wasn't necessary.
: poison book
The Black Stone p.143
The Bible is now being called the Poison Book by God Himself,
and who can deny that it is not poison? It has poisoned the
very hearts and minds of the so-called Negroes so much that
they can’t agree with each other.
The Black Stone p.144
The Bible is the graveyard of my poor people […]
Message to the Black Man in America:
“Holy means something that is perfectly pure and we
just can’t say that of the Poison Bible.”
The History of Jesus’ Birth, Death, and what it means
Read your “poison book” (the Bible).
The True History of Master Fard Muhammad
Your Bible is poison, double crossing itself.
& Qu'ran : they will be replaced by a new book
Why Must Elijah First Come
If we are in the change of the two worlds Christianity and
Islam), then surely we need a "new
book'' for our guidance; for those books have served
the people to whom they were given. […]
The Bible and Holy Qur'an are filled with truth that leads
us up to the judgment, and some of their prophesies refer
to the hereafter. Since these prophecies are a small percentage
of the whole, it makes it necessary for a new scripture (or
guidance) for the hereafter. The enemy
has tampered with the truth in both books: for he has been
permitted to handle both books.
There is another Book that none has
been able to see or read, its contents coming soon from Allah
- the ''Last Book,'' which takes us into the hereafter.
Both the present Bible and Holy Qur'an
must soon give way to that Holy Book which no man as yet but
Allah has seen.
We want you to know that we live in
the end of both of these books. You won't study Bible in the
hereafter, nor will you study the present Qur’an, no,
you will have a new book and the new book will replace the
Bible and present Qur’an.
Well what's in the book is not yet revealed. This
same Man, Master Fard Muhammad, is the very same One from
Whom this book will come. And He said that He has already
written the book, but He's not ready to give it to
the world.
is opposed to Islam
Supreme Wisdom Vol. 2 - What Every American So-Called Negro
should know about
There are today two major religions
which are opposed to the religion of peace, Islam. These are
Buddhism and Christianity. With the help of Allah,
these two opponents of Islam will be so completely eradicated
from the planet earth that you won't even find a trace of
trip to Egypt with Jesus
The History of Jesus’ Birth, Death, and what it means
Joseph rented one of those fast camels, put Mary and her baby
on it, and said to the camel: “Take this woman to Cairo
Egypt. Hury! Hury!” The camel went directly to Cairo
with Mary and her child, Jesus.
: Dirty Religion
5. Why did we take Jerusalem from the Devil? How long ago?
Answer: Because one of our righteous brothers, who was a prophet
by the name of Jesus, was buried there. He uses his name to
shield his dirty religion, which is
called Christianity; also, to deceive the people so
they will believe in him.
is 551 years old
(Question) 10. What is the birth record of said nations, others
than Islam?
(Answer) 10. Buddhism is 35,000 years old.
Christianity is 551 years old.
: Religion of Satan
The Theology of Time p.169
People have been preaching Christianity,
the religion of Satan, all their lives.
Our Saviour Has Arrived p.49-50
My beloved Brothers and Sisters who are thinking yourselves
Christian, you are not Christians! You can’t be a Christian
unless you are white. That is the only race on Earth that
is Christian; white people.
My People Are Destroyed… Proper Instructions In The
Time of Judgment
I will prove to the world by the word of God and by the witness
of God and the nation of Islam, that everyone of you are Muslim;
everyone of you, but you didn't know it. You could never be
a Christian, unless you turned yourself pale white with blue
Our Saviour Has Arrived p.86
The false Christian religion is for the white race and not
for the Black nation. Islam is our religion.
Church Destruction
The Theology of Time p.211
I cannot give you Reverends too much sympathy, because the
church is what we want to destroy.
Muhammad contradicts himself
The Black Stone p.70
The Holy Qur’an is universally
recognized as being a divine revelation and everyone, whether
scholars or whether a believer in Allah or not, they recognize
the truth of this great sacred scripture which
has passed through nearly 14 centuries without alteration
of any of the original text from it, in it’s
true Arabic language.
The True History of Master Fard Muhammad
Of course, we know that the original Torah was one book and
the Injil
(Gospel) given to Jesus, was only one book. Adding in and
out of the truth, by the world writers, has caused so much
misunderstanding of just what Allah (God) and His prophets
said, that to correct it, Allah (God) has prepared a new book,
altogether, for the lost found brother (the so-called Negroes).
All the present scriptures, even the
Holy Qur’an, have been touched
by the hands of the enemies of the truth (the devils).
Muhammad's endless 1914
The Science of Time
When was that time up according to the word of God to me?
It was up in 1914. Then why was
not the judgment at that time? Why did not God destroy the
wicked in 1914 if that was the end of the world? According
to the past history of judgment and destruction of people
by Almighty God Allah, he never did destroy them on the exact
day that He had promised to destroy them. He had always been
a merciful God, and He was merciful to those people in those
days. He granted them an extension of time so that the world
historians, writers, scientist, scholars would not charge
Him with not giving them a chance to repent if they wanted
The day of Judgment is to happen after that particular time
of six thousand years ruling the black man. He's to be given
a extension of time in which he have had. That extension of
time runs something like fifty to sixty years. But
not beyond seventy years. This is what we have today.
But sixty years I think or not before that time, but a
final erasing of the race from the earth must take place now
within the next ten years. The time has come, the day we may
expect it at any time.
(Elijah Muhammad
died in 1975, assuming he said that on his last day, add 10
years: you get 1985)
Muhammad speaks about Africans
The Theology of Time p.92
You would never be able to convert me, no, because you should
first do like the preacher in the jungle of Africa
and Australia and other far off Pacific Islands: preach
to the savage to hide his nakedness. This is the first
preaching we give to a savage – to cover your nakedness.
We don’t consider Africa’s
people of the jungles anything for us to follow or be taught
by. If you’re not civilized, you can’t
lead a civilized person!
The Theology of Time p.92-93
If you tell me to go to Africa, I will go there, but don’t
tell me to go there to be civilized.
I'm already civilized and I'm ready to civilize Africa.
The Theology of Time p.93
We love African people like we love
you in a way. Not quite as much, because they’ve
been free and they let England, Germany and other European
people go over there and rob them, push them back in the jungle
and take over their country.
We love Africa, that’s why we have our hands joined
on the upper part of our paper. This is just what we want
to do with Africa. We want to make Africa our brother, but
Africa cannot lead us until they themselves have become perfectly
[…] They have some of their ancient
teachings, but now it must be replaced for the new
wisdom, knowledge and understanding that is brought forth
to liberate the black man all over the earth and that knowledge
is here with me.
Muhammad was a mason
The True History of Master Fard Muhammad
Once I was a Mason too until I became
a Muslim. I was a Mason. You must remember that the
Holy Qur’an teaches that a Muslim or Moslem is the brother
of the Muslim. You must remember the scripture or the rituals
that they use concerning a lost architect, think over it.
Muhammad was hearing voices
The Science of Time
God have said to me that the time has long past due for the
execution of the wicked the enemies who have mislead the whole
world of black man except about 10% of them, so he taught
me night and day in person for three whole long years, and
about four or five months. And He still guides me, He
still speaks to me whenever he please, right directly the
voice comes to my ears from His mouth like listen to a word
from you, whenever He pleases.
100 Answers To The Most Uncommon 100 Questions
Question: Did you yourself speak to God?
Messenger: Yes, I thought I was speaking
to him every since I was born, but I didn't know him.
I was blinded to the knowledge of him, so He came to me and
made Himself known to me.
Question: I would like to ask a religious question. Do you
have visions?
Messenger: I do not say really have visions, but I
do have voices, at times.
Question: Are you talking about Mr. Fard?
Messenger: It was Him that I have learned all that I am now
teaching. I do not know anything of myself. It is what He
Has Given me.
Question: Is it His Voice that you hear
in visions now?
Messenger: It is the Same Voice. In the past and at present,
I have not had to go into such things as fasting and praying
that I hear Him, it is just so. Just like something happens
all of a sudden out of a blue sky, like thunder.
Question: All these 40 years, this goes
on periodically?
Messenger: Yes, I have had Him Speaking to me in my ears now,
in Person yes.
There does not pass a year, that I do not Hear His Voice some
time in that year.
Muhammad's wrong prediction
The Genesis Years p.152
A Negro will never be the president under the Stars and Stripes
of America.
Islam & 33rd degree Masons (Shriners)
The True History of Master Fard Muhammad
Never has any so-called American Negro been taught by white
people to believe in Almighty God Allah and His true religion,
Islam. Only in higher Freemasonry is
there a little teachings at the top, mostly of this particular
order that mentions the teachings of Almighty God Allah,
but you have to pay a lot of money to become a 33rd degree
The Secrets of Freemasonry
Never has any so-called American Negro been taught by white
people to believe in Almighty God Allah and his true religion
Islam. Only in higher organizations
or we say Masonry, in the Masonics, there is a little teachings
at the top mostly of this particular order that mentions the
teachings of Almighty God Allah. But you have to pay
a lot of money to become a 33rd degree Mason; therefore, you
are an absolute victim, as Isaiah teaches you, that you buy
that which does not bring you any gain.
Before the coming of Allah, Islam was
sold to the so-called Negroes in a secret order or society
called the Masons. This order is made up of thirty-three
(33) degrees and it is sold by degrees. If a member is eligible
and able to pay for all the degrees he may do so, but only
those who take the thirty-third (33rd) are called Moslem Shriners.
goes to School
The Black Stone p.44 [The Meeting Between Me and Allah
(God) in Person]
He [Master Fard Muhammad] taught us that He was born in Mecca
Arabia, and that He had come in and out of this country for
about twenty (20) years before He ever made himself known
to us. He had enrolled and studied in
the California University. He lived with a white family out
there while he was going to the University, of California.
How long He went to this University, I don’t know, but
He said that He did go to this University and enrolled there
and other Universities. He mentioned to me, and finally
He told me that He had studied every educational system of
the civilized world and that He could speak 16 languages and
write ten of them.
can’t make a man without a help
Our Saviour Has Arrived p.41
God can’t make a man without a
help. No, no! He was self – created Himself,
but He can’t make a man without help now because the
law of Nature, Creation, won’t allow Him to do so. So
it takes an “Us” now. It takes two people to make
a man. Therefore the Bible and Holy Qur’an plainly teaches
you, “Us” and “We” made him: did not
create him but made him.
is our God
The God Tribe of Shabazz - The True History
Let us talk on the history, because it is the thing that we
should know. History makes man.
Without the knowledge of history, how can we prepare a future
for ourselves without the knowledge of history? How can we
tell where we're standing at present? History makes us; true
history is our God.
The Theology of Time p.53
What is the root of the Vietnam war with America? It is to
let these two fight. They both are enemies
of God. Let them fight and let them kill off as many
as they want of themselves – the Christian and the Hindus.
Vietnam people are Hindus and you have no right whatsoever
trying to make yourself a Hindu by defending them, but you
didn’t know that. I’m telling you, they’re
no kin to us; they’re no brothers of ours. They hate
you if you let them go free and let their Hinduism, which
is their religion, rule longer. If you don’t believe
like they believe, in Hinduism, they would want to kill you.
The Hindu people are not brothers of ours, just because they
have black eyes or something, or because you see some natural
part of the man looking like you, no sir. They’re not
of us at all. […] You can’t change them hardly,
[…] He’s an old enemy of God. That war was to
run him and his Hinduism off the planet. That’s why
God let him and Christian fight each other, because He intends
to get both of them.
The Theology of Time p.96-97
A Hindu is one of the oldest enemies of God or man.
[…] There may be some Hindu believers in here, but I
don’t care. Yes, I’d fly over your territory and
kill everyone of you if I could. If you are here, I don’t
love you myself. I don’t care if America kills all of
you and you kill them too. I don’t love either one of
Our Saviour Has Arrived p.32-33
God was talking with me about these two people, the Christian
and the Hindu, one day. He said, “You know, Brother,”
(He called me ‘Brother’) He said, “There
is a law among Us, a ruling;” He said, “if the
Hindu and the Christian are walking together,” He said,
“kill the Hindu first because the Hindu is more poison
than the Christian.” And he is.
Islam must dominate the whole entire religious world
The Black Stone p.107
The Holy Qur’an plainly warns us that the messenger has brought to you the truth and the true religion, that it may overcome the religions, of all of them, which means to tell us that Islam must dominate the whole entire religious world, regardless to what religion you may have or what god you have been worshipping.
Jesus & Moses spoke Arabic
The Black Stone p.142
Originally, the Torah (old Testament) was given in 2,000 B.C. to Musa (Moses) who spoke ancient Egyptian Arabic; and the second half (the New Testament) was revealed to Isa (Jesus) who spoke both Arabic and Hebrew, 2,000 years ago.
Jesus : fornication child
The Black Stone p.237-238
[…] they do not know the birthday of Jesus. No one knows it, because being persecuted by the Jews, Joseph and Mary feared the death of not only their newborn baby that they were bringing to birth, but even feared for their own lives for committing the act out of wedlock.
Jesus in the Bible's prophecy is Elijah Muhammad
Why Must Elijah First Come
To hear where Jesus denies or denies us from making him a God, he was not a god of the sort which the Christians have made him. He denies it even in the Bible where he says that he is something like all other prophets, and that he was not a god that people should take him for. He was like all the other ones; in fact, this may bring a little dislike of me from you Christians, but there is no place in the Bible, in the whole book, where it prophesies of him coming even as a prophet. I will give you ten thousand dollars if you can find in the Bible where it prophesies of Jesus coming as a prophet. What you read of Jesus in the Bible's prophesy is myself!
Kinky Hair
Message to the black man in America
The origin of our kinky hair, says Allah, came from one of our dissatisfied scientists, 50,000 years ago, who wanted to make all of us tough and hard in order to endure the life of the jungles of East Asia ( Africa ) and to overcome the beasts there. But he failed to get the others to agree with him. He took his family and moved into the jungle to prove to us that we could live there and conquer the wild beasts and we have.
Less love for Africans
The Theology of Time p.93
We love African people like we love you in a way. Not quite as much, because they've been free and they let England , Germany and other European people go over there and rob them, push them back in the jungle and take over their country.
Malcolm X : Death & Destruction for following him
The Fall of America p.95
Malcolm fell out from us a hypocrite. He went and joined white people and worshiped them and got what he preached for. Now the white man names colleges after Malcolm only to get you to join in the philosophy which he left behind; that white people are good. Malcolm went to mecca and saw white people. And instead of joining in with the Black Man, he joined in with the white man, althought he was taught the white man’s birth and death. He preached it as long as he did not turn enemy against me. He turned enemy against me, for he wanted my place over the people and he tought that by going over the earth and making a mockery of me, he would do just that… get rid of me. But the very people of Mecca and Egypt and other places he went, they are with me today. Here, in the United States of America, today, I have more followers than I had before Malcolm said a word.
The Fall of America p.96
I do not give two cents for you following Malcolm if you want to follow him. You will get divine death and destruction with no one to give you any honor and respect… only the devil whom you serve.
Marcus Garvey was a Muslim
Supreme Wisdom Vol. 2 - What Every American So-Called Negro…
I have always had a very high opinion of both the late Noble Drew Ali and Marcus Garvey and admired their courage in helping our people (the so-called Negroes) and appreciated their work. Both of these men were fine Muslims.
Mason : only the Qur'an will make one
The Secrets of Freemasonry
A Mason cannot be a good Mason unless he knows the Holy Qur'an and follows its teaching. This book is the only book that will make a true Mason
Mecca is the ONLY HOLY SPOT
Supreme Wisdom Vol. 1 - Solution To The So-Called Negroes Problem
When the Muslim has performed his Ablution, (which means also that his hands are now spread forth, his ears cleaned from the hearing of evil, and eyes closed from seeing evil,) he then steps on his prayer rug or mat, and faces toward the ONLY HOLY SPOT on our planet— the Holy City of Mecca.
Moses & Jesus Prophecy about Elijah Muhammad
The God-Science Of Black Power
I have been raised up to tell you the truth and I have been given the truth from the mouth of God. Moses and Jesus prophesied that I would be given the truth from God's mouth and today I have received it.
Moses Trick
The Black Stone p.173-174
From then on, Moses recognized the fact that he could not say just anything to them. He had a hard time trying to civilize them. Once they gave Moses so much trouble that he took a few sticks of dynamite, went up on the mountainside, placed them into the ground, and went back to get those who were giving him the most trouble. He said to them: “Stand there on the edge of this mountain and you will hear the voice of God.” They stood there about 300 in number. Moses set the fuse and it killed all of them.
The Imams got after Moses for performing this trick on the devils.
Native American Moor FAIL
The Fall of America p.22
The Indians, the first people who were sent – who migrated to America – the Indians were also enemies of Allah.
The Black Stone p.156
We know that we are not in our own land; we know that our fathers were brought over here by the Whiteman over 400 years ago. We know the actual day we came from Africa.
Non Black Muslim will destroy himself
History of the Nation of Islam p.17-18
We’re not going to have no rulers other than Islam over us, because the average so-called Negro who have not the knowledge of Islam, cannot rule himself in peace; he will destroy himself if put alone like he is; he will eat himself up.
Pharaoh said Allah Akbar
The Science of Time
He visited Egypt with many judgments until it brought Pharaoh to his knees in the Red Sea, and at last when he was swallowing water drowning, he opened his mouth and declared Allah was God in these words: Allah-u-Akbar, Allah—u--Akbar, and Allah remembered him for declaring and bearing witness that He was the greatest and not pharaoh and today his body is preserved in Egypt there now to show you the man who opposed God. Show you his body there in the museum somewhere in Egypt, there are holding his body. They have found his body, and it is his body.
Polytheist Nation of Islam's temporary God with expiry date
The Genesis Years p.365
Well, we all know that there was a God in the beginning Who created all these things, and do know that he does not exist today, but we know again that from that God, the person of God continued until today in His people, and today a SUPREME ONE (God) has appeared among us with the same Infinite Wisdom to bring about a complete change.
The Black Stone p.20
Moses had a god alright enough, but that God was not the equal of this one. So I say we have the best.
The Black Stone p.284
The first God did not fill the space with stars and panets as you and I see them today, according to the teachings of God in the person of Fard Muhammad, Who answers the description of the God coming in the last days and His work comparing with the prophets who taught of Him.
The Black Stone p.285 (also in “Our Saviour Has Arrived” p.96- 97)
Allah, in the person of Master Fard Muhammad, to Whom praises are due forever, taught me that there are not any Gods Who live forever. Their wisdom and work may live six thousand or twenty-five thousand years, but the actual individual may have died within a hundred or two hundred years, or the longest that we have a record of, around a thousand years.
There is no God Living Who was here in the creation of the Universe, but They produce Gods from Them and Their Wisdom lives in us.
The Theology of Time p.235
The creator of this Haven and Earth, in which we live, he died.
The Black Stone p.286
The Wisdom of Each God, according to what Allah (God), in the person of Master Fard Muhammad, to Whom praises are due forever, taught me, has a cycle of twenty-five thousand years. Once every twenty-five thousand years, another God would be given a chance to show forth His Wisdom to the people.
This has been going on for many trillions of years, according to His techings to me […]
The Theology of Time p.55
In the calendar of our rule, once every 25,000 years, we change Gods.
The God Tribe of Shabazz - The True History
Almighty God Allah said that once upon a time they wrote history for 35,000 years.
The Theology of Time p.55
We the Nation of Islam, our scientists, our Gods they don’t need a Navy.
The Theology of Time p.56
I want you to know that it is not white people that will drop that star; it will be black people.
You are the sons and daughters of Gods, of your kind, who rules the whole world.
The Theology of Time p.70
We also have 23 Gods here Who write and justify history once every 25,000 years. They’re equal with the pole’s degrees. They both measure the same 3 ½ degrees. Its (sic) equal, almost, with the Gods that rule. They’re really 24, but this number is used whenever they make up history.
Prayer towards the West
Supreme Wisdom Vol. 1 - Solution To The So-Called Negroes Problem
Pray five times a day with your face toward the east.
The God Tribe of Shabazz - The True History
The Sun is going down in the West. This Teaching will raise a powerful Sun of Truth from this part of our planet by Me Who Allah (God) raised up among you. No more will you look towards the East after this for the Light of Truth to come.
The Light of Truth, which the scientist of the East were not able to give you will come from the West.
[A lot of Believers don't realize that in 1972, at the lecture given at the Opening Day of the New Temple No. 2 in Chicago, Messenger Elijah Muhammad stopped us from facing the East when we pray.]
Messenger Elijah Muhammad's words from that lecture were published in the C issue of Muhammad Speaks Newspaper.
The Messenger said: "We have to build a new world. As you noticed while the Minister was praying, I had not my face turned towards the East, for the sunlight of truth is not to come from the East; it is to come from the West! And since God, Almighty, In the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, Has Made me the first to rise from you, I must turn you on a light coming from here--from the West. No more shall we turn our face to the East, looking for light from the East, for the Sun of Light has risen in the West!!!......" (Muhammad Speaks, June 9, 1972)
Pygmy and a gang of monkeys
The Fall of America p.60
They do not like you coming into the block beating your wife or girl friend and drinking in front of their houses. No decent and intelligent person likes this, whether he is white as snow or Black as the ace of spades.
You can go to the jungle and the pygmy will not want this. Late night he and a gang of monkeys will come out and beat you up.
Qur'an will be replaced by a new book
The Black Stone p.315
You won’t study Bible in the hereafter, nor will you study the present Qur’an, no, you will have a new book and the new book will replace the Bible and present Qur’an.
Why Must Elijah First Come
If we are in the change of the two worlds Christianity and Islam), then surely we need a "new book'' for our guidance; for those books have served the people to whom they were given. […]
The Bible and Holy Qur'an are filled with truth that leads us up to the judgment, and some of their prophesies refer to the hereafter. Since these prophecies are a small percentage of the whole, it makes it necessary for a new scripture (or guidance) for the hereafter. The enemy has tampered with the truth in both books: for he has been permitted to handle both books. […]
There is another Book that none has been able to see or read, its contents coming soon from Allah - the ''Last Book,'' which takes us into the hereafter. […]
Both the present Bible and Holy Qur'an must soon give way to that Holy Book which no man as yet but Allah has seen. […]
We want you to know that we live in the end of both of these books. You won't study Bible in the hereafter, nor will you study the present Qur’an, no, you will have a new book and the new book will replace the Bible and present Qur’an. […]
Well what's in the book is not yet revealed. This same Man, Master Fard Muhammad, is the very same One from Whom this book will come. And He said that He has already written the book, but He's not ready to give it to the world
Reverend is the devil’s name
The Theology of Time p.171-172
You love to be called Reverend Jackson, Reverend Jones. You don’t know that you are being called after the devil’s names. Reverend is the devil’s name by which you are being called. Reverend, you will be dumped into a lake a fire with him, if you don’t come on and go along with Elijah Muhammad
Root of Civilization : Arabian Desert
4. Why did we run Yacob and his made Devil from the Root of Civilization, over the hot desert, into the caves of West Asia, as they now call it - Europe? What is the meaning of Eu and Rope? How long ago? What did the Devil bring with him? What kind of life did he live? And how long before Mossa came to teach the Devil of the forgotten Tricknollegy?
Answer: Because they had started making trouble among the righteous people telling lies. They accused the righteous people causing them to fight and kill one
Yacub was an original man and was the Father of the Devil.
He taught the Devils to do this devilishment.
The Root of Civilization is in the Arabian Desert. We took from them everything except the language and made him walk every step of the way. It was twenty-
two hundred miles. He went savage and lived in the caves of Europe. Eu means hillsides and Rope is the rope to bind in. It was six thousand nineteen years ago
Mossa came two thousand years later and taught him how to live a respectful life, how to build a home for himself and some of the Tricknollegy that Yacub
taught him, which was devilishment - telling lies, stealing any how to master the original man.
Mossa was a half-original, a prophet, which was predicted by the Twenty-Three Scientists in the year, One - fifteen thousand nineteen years ago today.
Sun, Moon and Stars - fools don't worship them
The Theology of Time p.77
If I told you that I don’t want that Sun, Moon & Star flag, and would rather have the Stars & Stripes, I would be making a fool of myself, because you could easily tell if whether I liked it or not; for I’m already living under the Sun, Moon & Stars. You worship them. One would have to be a fool who doesn’t worship the sun moon and star.
Tolerance of Asiatic Black Men
The Genesis Years p.132
It (Islam) is the True religion and the only way to success.
The Genesis Years p.144
Islam is the only true religion of God (Allah).
The Genesis Years p.162
The true religion of God is Islam and others WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.
The Genesis Years p.210
Stop going to church and go to the Mosque of Islam where you will be loved and respected, and protected by the God of Islam and your Nation.
The Genesis Years p.225
Or Suffer the Chastisement of Almighty God Allah
The Genesis Years p.259
It is needless for you to put trust in Christianity.
The Genesis Years p.287
Don’t tell us that you have “Unity and Peace” in the White Race’s Religion called Christianity.
The Genesis Years p.353
They (the devils) also know that Islam is the true religion of Allah (God), and that God will make it overcome and vanish all other religion – and this is the time that is (sic) will take place.
The Genesis Years p.439
We cannot successful (sic) unite under any other religion.
Our Saviour Has Arrived p.2
Slowly but surely the Spirit of Allah is making manifest to the Black Man that the church and its religion called Christianity is the chain that binds the Black Man in mental slavery […]
Our Saviour Has Arrived p.21
No Black people who accept Christianity will ever be free.
Uncivilized Traditional Africa
The Fall of America p.150
For nearly forty years I have been preaching to the Black man in America that we should accept our own; and instead of the Black man going to the decent side of his own, he goes back seeking traditional Africa, and the way they did in jungle life and the way you see in some uncivilized parts of Africa today. They are not using barber’s shears, and razors to keep themselves looking dignified as a civilized people should look. The Black man in America accepts the jungle life, thinking that they would get the love of Black Africa. Black brother and Black sister, wearing savage dress and hair-styles will not get you the love of Africa.
Unity only comes on the acceptance of Islam
Our Saviour Has Arrived p.141
Allah (God) has come to unite us. We, the Black People in America, must unite. But unity only comes on the acceptance of Islam.
White people are GODS
Our Saviour Has Arrived p.41
Don’t think white people are fools. They are wise. It’s you who are the fool. Don’t take them for nothing like ignorant people. They are wise people. They are gods of their own world. This is the truth. They have proved that they are gods of their own world. Everything that they want, they can bring it before their people and tell them “Here it is.” Whatever idea that they create in their minds that is necessary for their own life to live here on this planet, they bring it into perfection.
Our Saviour Has Arrived p.121
The white race are the gods of their world.
Whites did a great thing for You and I
The True History of Master Fard Muhammad
I think the white people here have done a great thing for you and I. They have not driven you out of the country. They have tried to give you jobs. They have tried to feed you when you didn’t have nothing to do, is that right? That’s the truth. Give credit where it’s due
Yakub is Jacob of the Bible
Yakub (Jacob) The Father of Mankind
This 9,000 year is the beginning of the birth of the man you call white folks. They were made by this man - not created now, they were made by a man called Yakub. In the Bible, you call him Jacob. That's the same man.
Yakub - SUPERIOR GOD for the last 6000 years
The Black Stone p.291
For the past six thousand (6,000) years there was no god present who was superior to Yakub.
Our Saviour Has Arrived p.41
How could they (white people) teach you to love Black when their Black God (Yakub), Who made them, made them by nature to deceive you?
(Actual Facts, Student Enrollment, Lost Found Muslim &
English Lessons)
Prostitutes, not Wives of Elijah Muhammad ?

Malcolm X decapitated in cartoon published on the NOI's newspaper Muhammad Speaks April 10, 1965 (Vol. 3, No. 15)
His blood brother Minister Philbert X (Mosque of Lansing, Michigan)
wrote an article entitled "Malcolm Exposed by His Brother"
Malcolm X called a "dog" by Farrakhan
(Muhammad Speaks: December 4, 1964)
Farrakhan wrote that Malcolm X is worthy of death
(Muhammad Speaks: December 4, 1964)