Khalid Abdul Muhammad

Interview on Donahue - part 1 (10:02 min)

Interview on Donahue - part 2 (09:53 min)

Interview on Donahue - part 3 (10:19 min)

Interview on Donahue - part 4 (05:57 min)



Minister Khallid Abdul Muhammad, born Harold Moore, Jr. by his parents, blessed this earth on January 12th, 1948 in Houston, Texas. He was the second? of six children to the late Harold Moore, Sr. and Lottie B. Moore.


His Aunt Momma Carrie Moore Vann in Houston, Texas reared him. Minister Khallid Muhammad, affectionately known as "butch" by the family attended Bruce Elementary School, E.O.Smith Junior High School and all Black Phyllis Wheatley High School in Texas. At Phyllis Wheatley, Brother Khallid was an esteemed member of Stagecrafters, a group of exceptional students where he developed debate and drama skills under direction of Ms. Vernell Lillie.

Minister Khallid as a young man would preach to cars from his porch as they passed by on the highway and was president of Houston Methodist Youth Fellowship. Khallid was a star quarterback, team captain of his high school football team, an eagle scout, a class officer and a star debater.


Upon graduating high school, our bold and shining Black prince won a scholarship Dillard University in Louisiana to pursue his degree in theological studies. At this time he ministered at Sloan Memorial Methodist Church. While at Dillard University young Khallid first heard Minister Louis Farrahkan, the National Representative of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. He had a big Afro and a huge medallion of Malcolm X around his neck. After hearing Minister Farrakhan speak Khallid Abdul Muhammad joined the Nation of Islam under the leadership of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. Immediately Brother Harold X, as he was known at that time became renown as a top recruiter in the south for the Black Muslims. Dr. Khallid continued his studies and graduated from Pepperdine University in Los Angeles California. He then was the recipient of an academic fellowship, and matriculated to do "Intensive Studies" at Harvard, Yale, and Columbia Universities. The skills of higher education as well as his fighting spirit made Minister Khallid a valuable weapon to the Nation of Islam and the Black Nation in general.


When the Messenger of Allah, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad departed from amongst us in 1975, Minister Khallid Abdul Muhammad kept on fighting. At this time he was known as Dr. Malik Rushaddin. He traveled throughout Africa and trained in revolutionary movements with a focus on freeing apartheid ridden South Africa (Azania) from white oppression. When Minister Farrakhan decided to rebuild the Nation of Islam in 1978. Minister Khallid was right there with him when there were just a few. Minister Khallid Muhammad served as western regional minister of the Nation of Islam and leader of Mosque #27, which made lightning progress under his leadership. In 1983 Minister Louis Farrakhan named him Khallid, which has the historical interpretation of "great warrior" after the great follower of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Khallid ibn Walid. Like this great Islamic general Khallid Muhammad was called the "sword of Allah"..

Minister Khallid Abdul Muhammad was soon appointed as Supreme Captain over the military in the Nation of Islam. In 1985 Minister Khallid Abdul Muhammad was appointed National Spokesman and Representative of Minister Louis Farrakhan, following in the footsteps of Minister Farrakhan and Malcolm X. At other points he also served the posts of Southern Regional Minister, Minister of Mosque #7 in Harlem, New York City, and National Assistant.

A true Pan Afrikanist, Minister Khallid Muhammad has traveled on research and fact-finding missions to Kemet (Egypt) Jerusalem, South Afrika and throughout the African sub continent. He made his sacred pilgrimage to the Holy City, Mecca, numerous times. He has earned the title El Hajj Khallid Abdul Muhammad. Minister Khallid Abdul Muhammad was the creator and founder of The New African Cultural Holiday alternative to Thanksgiving called "GYE NYAME (G-NY-MAY). Black youth and "gang" members loved Dr. Khallid. You have heard this dynamic soldier on rap albums from Tupac Shakur, Ice Cube, Sista Souljah, X-Clan, Public Enemy, Scar-Face, Shaquille O'Neill, Erica Badu, Lauren Hill, Dead Prez, Capone N' Noriega and the Black Lyrical Terrorist. Dynamic fiery, explosive, electrifying, spellbinding! He has fired up and inspired audiences at over 100 universities in the United States, Africa, Europe and the world. He spoke at many churches and served as a minister at the 1st Afrocentric Temple in Atlanta, Georgia before his transition to the ancestors.


After his historic lecture on November 29, 1993 at Kean College in Union, New Jersey which shook the racist, Zionist, imperialist, white supremist foundation of the world, the President of the United State and Vice President Gore condemned Dr. Khallid Muhammad. The United States Senate voted 97-0 to censure him. Minister Khallid and Minister Louis Farrahkan are the only two in history to be censured by the U.S. Senate. And for the first time in history, The United States House of Representatives (The Full Congress) in a special session, passed House Resolution 343 condemning a so called private citizen. At historic Howard University in 1994 Khallid Muhammad keynoted the world wide-watched Black Holocaust conference with Dr. Leonard Jeffries, Dr. Tony Martin and convened by then student organizer Malik Zulu Shabazz.

These events shook the world but Khallid Muhammad did not break under the pressure. In May, 1994 an assassination attempt was made on his life. Khallid Muhammad was blessed to recover and fight with even more vigor and intensity. He spoke at many churches and served as a minister at the 1st Afrocentric Temple in Atlanta, Georgia before his transition to the ancestors.


1998 Minister Khallid Abdul Muhammad led an armed militant group of New Black Panther members into Jasper Texas to chase out the Klu Klux Klan who were making a mockery of the beheading and dragging death of brother James Byrd. On Sept 5th, 1998 He was the convener of the Million Youth March Black Power Rally, held on Malcolm X Blvd in New York. With the help of the December 12th Movement, the Million Youth March won historic legal battles against the racist Guiliani administration over free speech "constitutional rights". The Million Youth March went forward the streets of Harlem were flooded with throngs of Black youth and people who supported this massive Black Power revival.

In 1998 Dr. Khallid Muhammad was chosen to serve as The National Chairman of The New Black Panther Party for Self-Defense, chapters have sprouted nationwide. He leaves intact his National Spokesman- Attorney Malik Zulu Shabazz; National Assistant-Hashim Nzinga; National Chief of Staff -Malikah Muhammad; National Minister of Defense- Brother David Foreman; National Minister of Information-Minister Quannell X; National Southern Regional Representative-Sister Zoirada Higgenbothom; National Field Marshall-Minister Malik Shabazz. The New Black Panther Party is alive and well with chapters thriving throughout the country. Dr. Khallid's vision of a Black Power Movement shall live on!!!


Minister Khallid Abdul Muhammad leaves to cherish his memories; his wife, Queen Nefertari Muhammad, three sisters; Gloria Glenn from Los Angeles, Cynthia Moore Kelly from Los Angeles, KaShelia Moore Jackson from Houston, Texas; two brothers, Frank Moore Claybourne from Los Angeles, Darington Moore Smith from Los Angeles; father-in-law, Mr. Thomas Ambush of Cedric Maryland; his children, David and mother Mattie Morris Van, Khalfani and mother Mahasin Rushiddin, and Farrakhan Khallid, Malik, Kiki, Amir, Ali and mother Khallidah Muhammad; four grandchildren and a host of nieces, nephews, friends, and comrades.


Today we gather to celebrate the courageous life, and fighting spirit of a true soldier and warrior. Minister Khallid Abdul Muhammad was a general, a mentor, a teacher, and a strong Black man who epitomized the tenacity of our liberation struggle. Minister Khallid Abdul Muhammad represented to many of us as a father, brother, comrade, trainer and uncompromising leader who lived and gave his life for the liberation of African people all over the world. He stands in the great revolutionary line of divine with courageous African Ancestors like Nat Turner, Sojourner Truth, Denmark Vessel, Kwame Nkrumah, Queen Nzingha, Marcus Garvey, Elijah Muhammad, Malcolm X, Huey P. Newton, Kwame Toure', Louis Farrakhan and many others who organized to free our people from a wicked and cruel enemy. He was proud, strong, dignified, and a man of great character, with a beautiful heart. He loved his people and fought day and night to move us closer to victory over our enemies. He will be remembered as a great field marshall, captain, trainer of men, and one who would not turn heels and run from our enemy- even when under fire.


Prophet Muhammad's color according to Islamic sources
Biblical parallels with texts from ancient Egypt [Kemet (km.t)]
Christianity, Jesus Christ & the Bible

Deception of Asiatic Black Men, Freemasonry, Panafrican masons (Black Masonry)
Semites : they were not Black

New Testament - Curse of Ham - Lynching - Lynchings : pictures - Maat (Ma'at) - Bible : contradictions
Black Code - Coloured man - Wesley Muhammad refuted - Gandhi - Moor means BLACK
Medu Neter : origin of the Greek & Latin alphabets
Nation of Islam : teachings of Elijah Muhammad, Louis Farrakhan & Fard Muhammad
Wesley Muhammad refuted Black Arabia hoax & the African Origin of Islam myth
Kwanzaa : Karenga plagiarized Hanukkah
Moorish Science Temple of America: Doctrine of Noble Drew Ali
Greek words derived from Medu Neter (ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic)
www.afrostyly.com/english | Shaka-Ndugu-KMT